Sunday, August 17, 2008

Quick Update

I just wanted to share with you a very special day I had with my Daughter. The whole family went to London for a couple of days and us girls had a fun afternoon (as an early birthday present) at the Hammersmith Apollo watching the stage show of High School Musical! As much as I was dreading it.. I hate to admit it... it was FUN! Sitting in a theatre (which was a sea of Red & White - Never seen so many little girls dressed as cheerleaders off the football field!) surrounded by almost a thousand screaming 8 year old girls wasnt as bad as I expected. I ended up singing along and Im ashamed to say was even standing and dancing at the end. As for Abbi, she thoroughly enjoyed it and wavered between completely awestruck and waving her pom-poms and singing along!

I know its buying into the whole Disney- commercialism thing but at the end of the day the morals and the message of the HSM movies is all about being yourself and not letting others dictate what you do. I think this is a good thing to be teaching our youngsters...

Ok enough from the old fogey! If you can bear it... I recommend it!

Thanks for looking
C xx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aww Carolynne she looks like she had a FAB time....
i took philippa to a libertyX concert a few years ago and i had ringing in my ears for days.. that was a sign of getting old! needless to say she takes herself now!